Discover IoT Smart Lights helped reduce energy consumption and improve safety in a Saudi province

Intelligent Illumination Lights Up Cities

Tata Communications offers an end-to-end platform for managing street lights across the city. Our system utilises QR codes for quick identification, ensuring efficient street light management

Remote Management & Energy Efficiency

Unlock the power of remote management to reduce energy consumption by 20%. Our intelligent system enables dimming and scheduling, optimising lighting usage based on real-time needs

Real-Time Monitoring for Optimal Performance

Monitor street light health and performance in real-time for optimal functionality. Receive fault alerts for timely maintenance and ensure a well-lit and safe environment

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Experience an 80% reduction in manual patrol costs and optimise response times for improved city management

Building Safer Communities with Tata Communications

Tata Communications helps jumpstart the smart city journey, creating safer and more sustainable communities