Tata Communications positioned in Leaders Category in the 2023 IDC MarketScape
Tata Communications positioned in Leaders Category in the 2023 IDC MarketScape : Asia/Pacific Communications SP Secure Virtual Network Services 2023 Vendor Assessment report.
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Tata Communications positioned as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific SP Secure Virtual Network Services 2023 Vendor Assessment (doc #AP49625122, May 2023), for offering SDWAN solutions as part of its IZO™ portfolio. It provides a single pane of glass experience with multiple technology options. Tata Communications focuses on secure network transformation using the SASE framework and integrated SDWAN and security offerings. Its IZO™ SDWAN is a fully managed service that covers the network transformation lifecycle. The transformation journey is divided into three phases: Day 1 Define, Day 2 Deliver and Day 3 Operate and Optimize Services. Tata Communications offers deployment options and balances cost, performance, and security for customers.