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Innovate with confidence. Start building your vision on the CloudLyte testbed.

  • Tata
    Choose from 3 access locations across US, UK, and India
  • Tata
    Deploy your application within 30 minutes
  • Tata
    Get up to 50 vCPUs capacity free
  • Tata
    Bring your legacy VM workloads with flexibility to choose customised T-shirt size for VM creation
  • Tata
    Offload complexity and ensure smooth operations with managed service portfolio with DBaaS PostgreSQL, Redis, and more
  • Tata
    Fully managed services for Kubernetes and native container orchestration
  • Tata
    Go serverless with function-as-a-Service supported by programming frameworks
  • Tata
    100+ open-source apps with one click deployment
  • Tata
    Create a team of multiple users to enable seamless collaboration
  • Tata
    Customised network based on use cases and required performance with Open V switch, SRIOV and overlay network
  • Tata
    Robust security with RBAC and Integrated firewall
  • Tata
    Manage all your workloads and sites through a single pane-of-glass irrespective of location

Sign up for Tata Communications CloudLyte Sandbox

Start transforming your business with Tata Communications CloudLyte.

Start transforming your business with Tata Communications CloudLyte

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