Enhance the efficiency of your business

Our comprehensive and scalable strategic sourcing solutions make your business more efficient. We take on responsibility for billing your providers, so you consolidate to one invoice from Tata Communications. We carry the risk and you just have a single relationship to manage, not multiple relationships. It gives your own carrier relations team more opportunity to work on expanding the business, not getting bogged down with disputes and error management issues.`
  • Virtual PoP – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    Using our enterprise-grade tools and accessing the cutting-edge technologies, you can manage your wholesale services while setting up a new point-of-presence for switching to next-generation infrastructure.
  • Managed termination

    Tata Communications provides for optimising routing mechanism using in international voice network as a supplier either for everyone or for specific destinations, as a result minimising your risk exposure.
  • Customer aggregation

    With the Tata Communications’ network, you can connect all your customers irrespective of their interconnect technology, geography and protocol efficiently.
  • Supplier aggregation

    Here Tata Communications is the inbound aggregator, wherein it is considered to be the sole or in some cases the preferred aggregator.
  • Virtual PoP – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    Using our enterprise-grade tools and accessing the cutting-edge technologies, you can manage your wholesale services while setting up a new point-of-presence for switching to next-generation infrastructure.
  • Managed termination

    Tata Communications provides for optimising routing mechanism using in international voice network as a supplier either for everyone or for specific destinations, as a result minimising your risk exposure.
  • Customer aggregation

    With the Tata Communications’ network, you can connect all your customers irrespective of their interconnect technology, geography and protocol efficiently.
  • Supplier aggregation

    Here Tata Communications is the inbound aggregator, wherein it is considered to be the sole or in some cases the preferred aggregator.

Why choose Tata Communications

Business Growth

Get improved time-to-market as well as better end-user experience with strategic solutions, which will further help businesses managing the cost of deploying complex technologies such as traffic management tools and network infrastructure.
Business Growth
Get improved time-to-market as well as better end-user experience with strategic solutions, which will further help businesses managing the cost of deploying complex technologies such as traffic management tools and network infrastructure.
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