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Are you planning to shutdown your 2G/3G network or worrying about VoLTE roaming and inter-working agreement challenges?

Our VoLTE Roaming interworking solution can enable Voice and SMS services for inbound international VoLTE roamers from non-VoLTE enabled MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) and MNOs planning to de-commission their 2G/3G networks. Our solution can support both Inbound and Outbound VoLTE Roaming Interworking based on requirements from HPLMN or VPLMN.

Empowering the next generation roaming experience

VoLTE Roaming Interworking

VoLTE Interworking (IW) solution can serve as crucial bridge to address the technology gap with roaming partners who are phasing out their 2G/3G networks. VoLTE Interworking solution can be used for home network and visitor network to enable voice and SMS services of roamers while roaming in 2G/3G sunset countries.

VoLTE Roaming S8HR/LBO

Enable best voice experience for your customers while roaming using connectivity of our IPX for S8HR(Home Routed)/LBO(Local Break Out) VoLTE architecture.
  • VoLTE Roaming Interworking

    VoLTE Interworking (IW) solution can serve as crucial bridge to address the technology gap with roaming partners who are phasing out their 2G/3G networks. VoLTE Interworking solution can be used for home network and visitor network to enable voice and SMS services of roamers while roaming in 2G/3G sunset countries.
  • VoLTE Roaming S8HR/LBO

    Enable best voice experience for your customers while roaming using connectivity of our IPX for S8HR(Home Routed)/LBO(Local Break Out) VoLTE architecture.
Our benefits for VoLTE Roaming Interworking
Interworking Solution for Visited Network (VPMN)
  • Minimise the impact of 2G/3G network shutdowns on your roaming business
  • Supporting VoLTE services for all inbound roamers with VoLTE capable devices, with easy billing and settlement
  • Supports VoLTE even in cases where there is no VoLTE roaming agreement with the Home Network (HPMN)
  • Providing an interworking function between VoLTE side and 2G/3G CS (Circuit Switched) side
  • Protects your wholesale revenues and maintains your wholesale margins
Interworking Solution for Non-VoLTE Home Network (HPMN)
  • Reduce service outage for outbound roamers while roaming in pure VoLTE visitor network without VoLTE agreement
  • Retain premium outbound roamers to switch to competitors for roaming in countries with 2G/3G network shutdown
  • Outbound roamers with VoLTE Roaming Capable device can enjoy VoLTE Roaming experience with best voice quality
  • Better visibility of roaming experience and Roaming control of your outbound roamers roaming in pure VoLTE visitor network
  • Maintain your wholesale margin by steering traffic towards preferred visitor network even though visitor network has shut down 2G/3G network
  • Potentially delay or even completely avoid significant investments in an IMS platform
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