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IZO™ Private Cloud helps leading energy exchange customer with automated platform for trading and delivering electricity


Virtual Machines


Object storage


point-to-point link


With facilities in India and Canada, Tech9Labs is an important Tata Communications partner. A leading energy exchange with a nationwide electricity trading platform is a major Tech9 customer. When the energy exchange wanted to move into gas trading, Tech9Labs suggested a cloud solution.


The electricity trading side of the business uses a UK company’s software running in Tata Communications’ data centres. The UK company would furnish software for the new gas exchange. A joint team ran a proof of concept on an IZO™ Private Cloud platform.


No problems have been experienced and the solution is running perfectly on the IZO™ Private Cloud setup. Some 20 gas traders are using the new platform, and plans are afoot to move electricity trading over too. Meanwhile, it’s estimated TCO over a 5-year period will drop by 25%.

Read The Full Case Study Here

“We work with Tata Communications because their global, secure, reliable cloud services enable us to offer our customers world-class solutions”

Amit Jain

CEO, Tech9Labs

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