
In today's digital age, organisations face an increasing number of cyber threats that can lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and even regulatory violations. Cyberattacks can come in many forms, including malware, phishing, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats (APTs). To effectively defend themselves against these threats, organisations need to have a comprehensive understanding of the threat landscape and the tools to respond to and mitigate attacks. This is where threat intelligence comes in.

What is Threat Intelligence?

Threat intelligence is the process of gathering and analysing information about potential cyber threats to an organisation's network, systems, and data. This information includes data about emerging cyber threats, tactics, and procedures used by attackers, and other contextual information about potential attackers.

Threat intelligence can be gleaned from a variety of sources, including open-source intelligence, commercial threat intelligence feeds, feeds from government institutes, and internal sources such as security logs and incident reports. Log enrichment is a critical process in threat intelligence which entails correlating log data with contextual information, cross-referencing log data against threat intelligence feeds, and more. Enriching or improving log data not only improves observability and diagnosis—rendering the data more useful for search, analysis and other operational needs—but also facilitates proactive threat hunting by enabling the extraction of additional indicators of potential threats from log data. The enriched data is then analysed to identify patterns, trends, anomalous behaviour and indicators of compromise that can help organisations prioritise risks, assess the potential impact of attacks, and develop cybersecurity strategies to mitigate these threats.

Why is Threat Intelligence Important for Cyber Resilience?

In the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, where cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent, organisations must adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity to mitigate risks. Here are some key reasons why threat intelligence is crucial for effective cyber resilience:

Proactive threat identification and mitigation: Threat intelligence allows organisations to proactively identify potential threats, enabling them to take action to stop risks from becoming actual attacks. This could include identifying and blocking malicious IP addresses, domains, and URLs, and detecting and removing malware before it can spread.

Real-time threat monitoring: Threat intelligence provides real-time information about potential threats, allowing organisations to detect and respond to attacks as they happen. This can include identifying abnormal network behaviour, mapping the Indicators of Compromise (IOC) with the system logs and tracking the activity of known threat actors.

Prioritisation of security risk and resources: Not all threats are the same; some pose a more significant risk than others. While some may be known threats that are identified through threat intelligence feeds, others might be unknown zero-day threats that require proactive threat hunting to identify signs of compromise. Threat intelligence enables organisations to prioritise risks based on the likelihood and severity of a potential attack. This helps them focus their resources on addressing the most critical threats and reducing their overall risk exposure.

Enhanced incident response: Incident response is a critical component of an organisation's cybersecurity strategy. Threat intelligence enables organisations to respond more effectively to security incidents by providing information about the nature of the attack, the tools and techniques used by the attacker, and the potential impact of the attack. This helps organisations contain attacks more quickly, minimise damage, and restore normal operations more rapidly.

Improved situational awareness: Threat intelligence provides organisations with a better understanding of the threat landscape, including emerging threats and new attack techniques. This information can be used to enhance situational awareness and inform security strategies.

Incorporating Threat Intelligence into Your Information Security (InfoSec) Strategy

To be truly effective, threat intelligence needs to be integrated into an organisation's broader cybersecurity strategy. This includes:

Collection and analysis of data from disparate sources, including network traffic, system logs, social media activity, and the dark web. This needs to be done in a systematic and automated way to ensure that it is accurate and timely.

Collaboration and sharing across different parts of the organisation, as well as with external partners such as vendors, industry groups, and government agencies. Collaboration can help organisations identify and respond to threats more quickly and effectively.

Integration with security technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and security information and event management (SIEM) tools, to enable automated threat detection and response.

Ongoing assessment and refinement, which includes evaluating the effectiveness of threat intelligence activities, updating threat models and assessments, and refining security strategies based on new information.


In today's cybersecurity landscape, threat intelligence is no longer a nice-to-have but is a must-have investment. While implementing an effective threat intelligence program can be challenging, its benefits far outweigh the effort and costs. Organisations that invest in threat intelligence and develop a robust system gain a comprehensive understanding of the threat landscape. It is an essential component of any organisation's cybersecurity strategy and a critical tool in achieving effective cyber resilience.

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