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Hybrid working - Operator Connect vs Direct Routing

Operator Connect and Direct Routing offer distinct paths to enhancing communication within Microsoft Teams. Your choice should align with your financial goals and growth plans, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Hybrid working with Operator Connect

Operator Connect is significant because it's a structured way of introducing the concept of globalised hybrid working. It makes it easier for organisations to incorporate PSTN calling into Microsoft Teams through the preferred telephony service provider. 

This is advantageous for organisations or businesses with simple communication requirements, as external calls can be made quickly without making numerous settings. Telecom operators manage Operator Connect, which places less load on the resources of any company organisation and guarantees service quality.

Advantages of Hybrid work

Advantages of Hybrid WorkDescription
Ease of UseSimplified integration enables both remote and on-site employees to stay connected effortlessly.
ReliabilityManaged by the telecom operator, ensuring consistent performance and minimising downtime.
ScalabilityIdeal for smaller to medium-sized businesses with less complex communication needs.

Hybrid working with Direct Routing

Direct Routing gives more choice and customisation, which, in many cases, can be pivotal for organisations relying on a mixture of workplace models. SIP trunking, through which an integrated PSTN calling can be reached with a selected SIP trunk provider, can be adjusted to specific requirements most suitably. 

Direct Routing tailors more complex configurations, such as interfacing with other applications and systems, making the product a better fit for enterprise-level companies.

Advantages of Hybrid work with Direct Routing

Advantages of Hybrid Work with Direct RoutingDescription
CustomizationTailor communication solutions to specific business processes and needs.
FlexibilitySupports complex setups, making it adaptable to various hybrid working models.
Advanced FeaturesEnables integration with call centres, mobile teams, and other advanced functionalities.

Difference between Direct Routing and Operator Connect

AspectDirect RoutingOperator Connect
Carrier SelectionBring your own carrier (vendor other than Microsoft)Choose from approved carriers verified by Microsoft
Managed EnvironmentOn-premises or cloud-managed SBCCloud-only
SBC ApprovalMicrosoft must approve session border controllersMicrosoft must verify operators
Number ManagementNumbers managed on third-party softwareNumbers managed in Teams Admin Center
InterfaceDifferent interface per SBCSame interface if you have multiple carriers
AvailabilityAvailable wherever your SBC isNot available in all countries
Legacy PBX SupportSupports legacy PBX functionality via SBCLegacy PBX functionality not supported
PBX IntegrationsSupports all PBX integrationsSupports Microsoft 365-approved integrations
Hybrid DeploymentsSupports hybrid deploymentsNo support for hybrid deployments
Voice RoutingConfigurable voice routingStandard voice routing only
Control and FeaturesEnhanced control over connections, DIDs, and call routingSimplified provisioning with valuable APIs
Advanced FeaturesIntegration of complex calling features like call recording and speech-to-text technology (e.g., fax)Integration with third-party services (e.g., call centres)

Deployment strategies and implementation tips

Now let us walk through Operator connect vs Direct Routing deployment strategies and implementation tips for unparalleled success:

Operator Connect implementation

  • Best Operator Connect Providers Selection: Sign up with one of the top operator connect providers that Microsoft has partnered with from its list that depends on the communication needs and would want.
  • Admin Dashboard Integration: However, to better understand how to use Teams and integrate it into your chosen provider, it authorises you to authorise the “Operators” tab in the Teams admin central.
  • User Allocation: User phone numbers should be assigned within the Teams environment, as this ensures easy communication deployment and management.
  • Scalability and Simplicity: Operator Connect's most superficial level is well-aligned with small companies or those without complex communication requirements.

Direct Routing implementation

  • SIP Trunk Provider Selection: Choosing a suitable SIP trunk provider involves determining the provider with the most flexibility and functionality and, ideally, the cheapest provider.
  • Backend Configuration: Ensure that your selected SIP trunk provider's backend effectively interconnects with Microsoft Teams to facilitate outside-in calling.
  • Customisation: This should be planned for the required customisation, integrating the contact centre or accommodating a mobile workforce.

Points of alignment

  • Cost Effectiveness: Evaluate each option's feasibility and number-crunching aspect in terms of your organisation's usage patterns and demand.
  • Scalability: Consider the specifics of future evolution and communication changes to determine whether the selected solution can accommodate all possible modifications and additions in the foreseeable future.
  • Reliable Service: Make external calling easy and reliable to ensure you are user-centred.
  • Training and Assistance: Provide funding to purchase easily accessible training materials and training support instruments to ensure that your team is well-equipped for the change.
  • Scalability and Future-Readiness: Operator Connect and Direct Routing support scale characteristics, but in different ways and with varying degrees of flexibility. Make sure that the chosen solution will help you achieve your future perspectives.

User experience and productivity impact

  • Operator Connect: Mountain of Calls of centralised call flow, which simplifies user adoption & creates performance improvements due to ease of adoption.
  • Direct Routing: We may need more training for configurations that go beyond or extend beyond the basic ones; however, they improve teamwork productivity and efficiency.

Realising cost savings and ROI

  • Operator Connect: Provides the maximum cost advantages and can be recommended to companies interested in purchasing commercial off-the-shelf software. It is not a luxurious option but a practical one with all the basic features.
  • Direct Routing: The main drawback of订 is that its basic subscription plans may seem more expensive. Still, adaptable pricing models may yield more net benefits and costs of ownership over the long term for larger implementers with diverse essential needs.

You must ensure the best choice for your organisation when evaluating different aspects such as HR impact, costs, scalability, user-friendliness, and platform compatibility with the new forms of work. Operator Connect pricing falls roughly through $10 per monthly seat for smaller organisations. Components include Office 365 Business Basic ($6), Phone System Add-On ($8), and PSTN Operator Connect Add-On ($6.50).
Tata Communications is among the Top operator connect providers providing Operator connect vs Direct Routing solutions for your business. You can start a free trial of either Operator Connect or Direct Routing or consult with the best operator connect providers to choose the right option for your business.

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