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CII – Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation launches the “Digital Maturity Appraisal”

CII – Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation launches the “Digital Maturity Appraisal”

New Delhi, March 25, 2019

The CII-Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation’s “Digital Maturity Appraisal” was launched today at the CII Annual Session 2019. This digital transformation self-assessment tool will help Indian industries navigate today’s business landscape as it continues to undergo rapid changes, led by digital technologies which are transforming the way systems, processes and people work.


“Digital Maturity Appraisal” has been created to help the Indian industries envisage their digital transformation roadmap by undergoing self-assessment against the six dimensions of digital vision and strategy and will provide participating organisations the ability to benchmark their current level of digital operations against the national average of their industry peers.


The launch of the CII-Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation (CDT) was announced during the CII Annual Session 2018. CDT is powered with the responsibility of enriching and accelerating the technology journey of its members and provide the best of its kind training and consulting services to organisations, thereby improving the efficiency of their service delivery and set standards of excellence.


Mr. Sumeet Walia, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Tata Communications and Chairman, CDT states, “India is in the midst of digital transformation. Regardless of the scale, size or sector, every business is undergoing digitisation to improve business efficiencies. However, lack of access to guidelines and a clear road map remains key barriers to digital transformation. The launch of Digital Maturity Appraisal is a significant move towards bridging this gap and understanding the current level of technology adoption in India.”


“As the world embraces the revolution 4.0, emerging technologies such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, among others, will transform business efficiency and effectiveness in ways enterprises have not witnessed before. While the gravity of this transformation may vary among firms of various sizes, serving various functions and industries, CDT, under the aegis of CII, has been formed to address various challenges to digital transformation, seize the upcoming market opportunities, and prepare enterprises for a dynamic future,” says Mr Rudramuni B, Vice President & Center Head, Dell EMC, and Co-Chair, CDT.


The assessment comes as an online tool available at www.ciicdt.com for enterprises to judge the maturity of their digital ability and start a successful digital transformation journey.

For more information, please visit www.ciicdt.com or get in touch at cdt@cii.in.

Smriti Arora Tata Communications +91 98192 76755 smriti.arora@tatacommunications.com Shweta Vitta Tata Communications +91 99862 96283 Shweta.Vitta@adfactorspr.com

About Tata Communications

Tata Communications is a leading global digital infrastructure provider that powers today’s fast- growing digital economy. The company’s customers represent 300 of the Fortune 500 whose digital transformation journeys are enabled by its portfolio of integrated, globally managed services that deliver local customer experiences. Through its network, cloud, mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), collaboration and security services, Tata Communications carries around 30% of the world’s internet routes, and connects businesses to 60% of the world’s cloud giants and 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers. The company’s capabilities are underpinned by its global network, which is the world’s largest wholly owned subsea fibre backbone and a Tier-1 IP network. Tata Communications Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India, and it serves customers in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide through its technology capabilities and partnerships. www.tatacommunications.com

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