Beyond the crisis: Thriving in the new world of manufacturing

The COVID 19 pandemic has transformed the world, challenging well established business practices and norms. In this thought paper we discuss how manufacturing enterprises must plan for a recovery from pandemic that can help them not just survive but thrive. Our subject matter expert takes closer look at the evolving roles in manufacturing. Read our industry paper to explore:

  • New priorities and challenges for the manufacturers
  • A day in the life of a prospective customer, shop floor worker, design engineer before COVID-19
  • What transformation will the key roles undergo in the post-COVID-19 world and what are the consequent implications for manufacturers:
    • How will the buyer behaviour and expectations shift?
    • Will design teams be able to collaborate effectively and securely as they work from home?
    • How will social distancing be observed on the factory floors?
  • An expert's perspective on the role of technology in the new world

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