Global OTT Media Supply Chain helps leading Euro National League to stay ahead of the game

A leading European National League was looking for a digital transformation partner to break the complexities and develop a simple and agile OTT platform that enables seamless onboarding of newer federations (more content) and richer end user experience. Tata Communications, world-renowned for its agile media ecosystem, was invited to join up with a major European National League. Envisioning an over-the-top (OTT) service, aggregating sports from basketball to football for global distribution, the league found in Tata Communications a partner with international reach and unending inventiveness.

Tata Communications Global OTT Media Supply Chain is tailor-made to map onto broadcasters’ workflows. Tata Communication's expertise and an unerring ability and flexibility to quickly customise solutions for rapidly-changing business needs, was a perfect fit. Differentiated by its agile and well-connected cohesive media ecosystem, virtually unlimited cloud resource and a solution which is not only built for scale but also expressly designed for media needs, Tata Communications was able to deliver ultrafast processing, limitless cloud storage, and high bit-rate networking all in a single package which others can’t match.

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