G-Cloud 10 agreement supports the UK Government’s policy to centrally manage the procurement of common goods and services through an integrated commercial function.


The G Cloud 10 is a commercial agreement that allows UK Public Sector bodies to choose and purchase cloud computing services covering infrastructure, platform, software and specialist cloud services.


The G-Cloud 10 is hosted on the Digital Marketplace – an online store, which enables UK Public Sector bodies to search for services covered under G-Cloud framework.


The framework is for commodity-based, pay-as-you go cloud services across three lots:

  • Cloud Hosting: comprises Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service that can help you do at least one of: deploy, manage and run software; and provision and use processing, storage or network resources
  • Cloud Software: comprises Software as a Service applications, typically accessed over the internet or private network and hosted in the cloud
  • Cloud Support: to help you set up and maintain your cloud software or hosting services


The agreement runs for 12 months. However, the duration may be extended for any period up to a maximum of 12 months from expiry of the initial term. Any call off contract placed will have a maximum initial duration of 24 months, with two extensions allowed, each of up to 12 months.


Is Tata Communications G-Cloud accredited?

Tata Communications is a registered supplier on the UK Government’s G-Cloud 10 framework to offer its cloud services to various UK Public Sector organisations comprising Central/Local Government, Health and Police.


Through G-Cloud 10 framework Tata Communications offer IZOTM Cloud Storage and IZOTM Private Cloud Services, to support UK Public Sector organisations in their Digital Transformation initiatives in a secure and cost-effective way.


IZOTM Private

Cloud and IZOTM

Cloud Storage

In-scope services
Compute Cloud services, virtual services, auto scaling
Network VPN gateway, load balancer, switches, router, WAF, firewall, NFV
Storage / backup Block, file and ICS (object) backup


Scheduled data backup and data restoration

Scheduled data backup and data restoration Managed Oracle, MS-SQL, DB2 or MySQL database administration
Database Managed Oracle, MS-SQL, DB2 or MySQL database administration
Middleware Managed middleware service is offered on applications including JBoss, Tomcat, Apache


Application maintenance

Hypervisor VMware, Hyper-V and KVM
Load balancer Static, dynamic, persistence: NFV-virtual appliance; physical appliance
Security SIEM, DDoS detection and mitigation, firewall monitoring and management, WAF, UTM and network-based vUTM – SIGS, managed and monitoring IDS / IPS, OAuth


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