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Empowering the Aviation Sector With A Connectivity Boost

Aviation is a global business, so you need global connectivity for your crews and your aircraft. Tata Communications MOVE™ provides ideal, secure and pervasive cellular connectivity, so when an aircraft comes into land, it can automatically send and receive updated information to system and ground crews at the airport. By equipping your pilots with connected electronic flight bag applications and connecting cabin crew with electronic passenger lists, it becomes easier to make updates and become more efficient. The way flight plans are filed, inventories are updated, passenger seating is organised, and aircrafts are serviced, our services aggregate connectivity via local access and sponsored roaming agreements, providing secure, reliable and cost-effective cellular connectivity across 200 countries and territories. Wherever you operate, we’re the connection.

Electronic Flight Bag

Connecting aircrews equipped with tablet devices to ensure reliable, secure and cost-effective connectivity for electronic flight bag applications.

Customer Service

Connecting cabin crews and customer service staff so that they can manage the cabin and the passenger experience as efficiently as possible. This can extend to use of POS, food and beverage inventories, reporting cabin maintenance requirements and managing in-flight entertainment services.

Increase Passenger Engagement

Provide cost-effective personalised customer interactions with mobile messaging and mobile marketing services.

Customized Aircraft Monitoring Solutions

Relay any problem with the aircraft as it comes in to land, such that the right people and equipment can be in place. Keep your turnaround time down and avoid unscheduled maintenance.

Global SIM

Extend mobile communications services to your loyal customers and become a private MVNO (P-MVNO), to offer branded global SIMs to your customers, thus increasing revenue potential and enhancing brand loyalty.

Baggage and Tracking Cargo

Your passengers need never have their luggage go missing again, thus enhancing customer loyalty. For air cargo, you can use Tata Communications MOVETM to help keep track of the location and condition of items. Predict delays and spoilage risk for perishables.
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